Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 9: Reflection

This week has been a productive week for me. Unlike other weeks, this week there was less of reading and discussion and more of transforming what we have done till now in the course to actual practice in the form of the project report. I, however, enjoyed the discussion on the learning styles and multiple intelligences. As teachers, I strongly believe, if we are not aware of the students' learning style, then it can turn out to be a serious handicap. Moreover, the students that I especially have come from a varied educational and social background. This leads to a variety of learning styles within the class. As a teacher, if I am not aware of the intelligences that the students possess, then it would definitely lead to very boring and one-dimensional classes. Unfortunately, that is what happens in most of the classes in India. The belief stems from, I think, the attitude of the teachers that what THEY are teaching is right and it is the duty of the students to make that extra effort. This often leads to some of the students understanding the linguistic input but students who have a different kind of intelligence as predominant find it difficult to cope with the classes.

Also finally completed the project report. Hopefully would be able to try it out soon when the students come back from the mid-term break (that is next week). Am planning to add a few more activities on the coursesite so that the students can explore the site as they come back.

A special thanks to Pradheep and Omar for their comments on my project and to all my friends on this course who have been great with their comments and help throughout.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Atanu,

    Thanks you for your comments on my project. You are such a great experienced professional, let me tell you I enjoyed reading your project and it gave me ideas to work with mi students.


